Saturday, May 5, 2012

Less of a book sale and more of an empty parking lot

St. George's Episcopal Church was supposed to be having a charity book sale this year to finance their mission trip to North Carolina.  Aren't there churches in North Carolina that could be doing missionary work without raising money for travel?  I mean, I want to buy your books for cheap, but my skeptical mind can't help but question the logistics.

Anyway, their idea of a book sale was suspiciously similar to an empty parking lot in front of a church where a book sale was not being held.  In fact, it was identical.  There went two hours of travel time.

To be fair, Quaint and I had already hit quite a few yard sales and come away with a box of old children's mystery/adventure novels, a poker table and a deviled egg plate.  Quaint loves her deviled eggs.  If she was a chicken, she would lay deviled eggs.  If she was a devil, she would get egged on Halloween.

"Now what?" I said, sweating in the car, missing air conditioning.

"There's a thrift store nearby.  It burned down and it's just now reopening.  Burning down means getting lots of donations when you open again!"

"Your logic is impeccable," the GPS said as it calculated a route to the new location of The Thrift Barn.

After sifting through an absolutely gigantic box of unsorted books Quaint had filled two boxes while I went to evaluate the Playstation games that had been mixed in with the audio CDs.

Our total was $12 for two large boxes of books and two PS1 games.  I think we can make a profit off that.  One of the games is worth well over $50.  I'm often glad that people running thrift stores don't know what video games are.  Finally, my extensive knowledge of obscure video games from 1989 through present day is paying off!

As I paid the proprietor said, "Would you like some lettuce?!" He hoisted a large bag of lettuce from a box on the counter.  It was sealed, so it probably isn't poisoned.  "The expiration date isn't until the 7th!!"

Quaint and I looked at each other, looked at the lettuce and, after a moment of risk analysis Quaint said, "Sure, we'd love some lettuce."

"Here," said the proprietor, "have TWO bags of lettuce!"

"Sure, we'd love two bags of lettuce," Quaint said.

Now my only thought is, "What am I going to do with all this lettuce??"

Wait!  I just remembered that my faithful Siberian Husky loves lettuce.  Now to research the health risks of switching a dog to an all lettuce diet.  I won't have to buy him more food this month!**


**Just kidding, I don't want to kill him.  I'll give him a piece or two, just to make sure it isn't poisoned.  We can play his favorite doggy game, Royal Taster.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Knowledge of a Job Well Done

Wow. It's been a month already. I'm not sure if the month went by quicker than I expected or slower, but it's gone! I have to admit, I was not expecting the first month to go so well. My goal was to work up to having at least $500 in the business account to put towards the next month, but I wasn't expecting to make that goal in the first month! There are a lot of things we need to work on. We haven't even set up our Ebay stuff yet, but that will be happening tomorrow. We haven't set up our Etsy account yet (I have such a good idea for that one! But I want to wait until we get Ebay set up). We haven't set up our Facebook page yet (But our logo is so close to being finished, so that will happen soon). There is a lot that we still need to do. But look at how much we've accomplished!
-We set up and sold multiple items on Amazon
-We've made our monthly goal of $500
-We've set up a business bank account
-We have a 4.8 seller rating on Amazon
-We have made 1-7 sales almost every day (I think there were probably only like 5 days that we actually didn't have any sales.)
-We've... sporadically... kept up our blog.

I'd say that's a pretty successful month! And May is already beginning. There's so much to do, and I do get pretty lazy at times. But I really want to make this work, so I'm going to work as much as possible on the business this month and see what else we can accomplish!

I was going to put a "to-do" list for May on here, but I think I'm going to wait that for a different post. I want this just to be about what we have done, because it's pretty amazing :)


"All the doors in this spaceship have a cheerful and sunny disposition. It is their pleasure to open for you, and their satisfaction to close again with the knowledge of a job well done."